So I decided

So I had originally had my blog set up to run as a journal. Which helped and didn't help.  Helped temporarily to get things off my chest but when I re-read things I got re-triggered. So I decided to re-do it and focus on something I have enjoyed for a couple of decades and that is genealogy, maybe a little of Dungeons and Dragons here and there.

So a little of my experiences in both. I started with Dungeons and Dragons first. A young 19 year old, stationed at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama for Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) training. I had this huge crush on a guy in a different class, granted he was also there training for a different job. But saw him the first day I walked it and it was all over LOL. Well that was in Jan 1990 and here it is 2018, going on Jan 2019, and him and I are close best friends still to this day. Well one day there was a hotel party, that back in the day, Marines were known to throw. I was there and I suppose looking as bored as I felt, and he was there, and as far as I knew this was the only one I remember him being at (of course I only remember going to like 2 myself) he comes over and we start talking and usual conversation "what do you like to do when you're not out being a Marine" Lol (BTW I like to read, write, music, the usual boring nerd stuff) Then there it was he liked to play something called Dungeons and Dragons (more commonly referred to as D & D or DnD) with his brothers (which another btw, I have the honor of also knowing) and it all started it from there. We caught up to each other in Okinawa (Japan) and he DMd ( a DM is  Dungeon Master, also called a Game Master, or GM) a few games for us, and here we are, we both still play as do his brothers. 

Genealogy for me started a few years later in October 1996. My youngest was 6 months old. I always been interested in history, and family stories, but when my son was a moth old they diagnosed him with a rare autosomal recessive trait disorder called Smith-Lemli-Opitz (RSH) syndrome. By the time he was a year, and many test later, they found he had a rarer variant of the syndrome in which the patient fits the syndrome clinically but not bio-chemically. Basically if he were to go into a clinic and a doctor were to look at him they would say he had it but per the test that were ran he was a "normal" boy. At age 10 he was diagnosed with High Functioning Pervasive Development Disorder: Not otherwise specified (PDD:NOS) in other words he is on the Autism spectrum but does not fall into a specific Autism name (such as Asperger) category. Well this got me curious as Autosomal trait disorders means that both parents had to be carries in order for the child to be affected. I wanted to know if there was anyone else in our families had it, or similar.

So there it is, a little bit on how things got started for me. Now on with the blog.....
